Friday, May 8, 2009

On the rob

As the MP's expenses scandal romps on with the latest Torygraph revelations, most of the blogs are quite rightly cheesed off. However, as I have said before, this isn't a problem that can be solved by tinkering with the rules. We need to look at the source of the problem, which is members of parliament who have scant regard for what is moral, or even just fair, when dealing with taxpayers money.

I imagine that when you think nothing of walking into the lobby and voting for wasting billions of taxpayers money on some god forsaken scheme to erode the rights of the peoples of the UK while achieving nothing, claiming a few thousand pounds for nice trinkets for your houses must seem like small change.

You will not have moral M's until you have a moral system of government (or at the very least, those who wish that to be the case). As all of our present lot, with a couple of notable exceptions, are happy to vote for a large, overbearing and corrupt state that eroded the rights of others in full view of the public, you cannot be surprised when they act with similar disdain for you when your back is turned.

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