Monday, April 27, 2009

Another victim of policy

Mark Wadsworth correctly points out ~ this woman would probably still be alive if MDMA wasn't a controlled substance. Prohibition of a substance doesn't lead to the elimination of the demand. It simply leads to more deaths due to black market product (as per USA, circa 1919 to 1933), & more criminality (ditto). Why can we not see this?

MDMA is a class A drug ~ there can be no higher penalty for possession or intent to supply. Yet millions of doses are taken each year. Deaths are minimal, certainly less than for alcohol on a unit by unit basis, and those that do occur are generally down to either contaminated product, or over heating of the individual, which itself is often compounded by a variable strength product.

Prohibition doesn't work. It will never work. It causes society billions of pounds in direct and indirect costs. It achieves nothing, and contributes to deaths. In short, it's completely daft.

It's high time we all grew up and had our own Twenty-first Amendment moment.

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